Iako postoji mnogo načina držanja miševa, tri se smatraju osnovnim. Držanje dlanom, kandža stilom ili vrhovima prstiju
With most of your gaming done using one predominant grip style, it’s also worth mentioning that your grip might change depending on the context and situation. Find out more about what each grip style has to offer and decide which one benefits you the most.
As one of the more popular grip styles adopted by gamers, it offers a natural and relaxed hand position for maximum support, due to the entire palm and fingers resting flat across the mouse.
While this creates a more comfortable gaming experience, it’s not as ideal for games which require large, rapid flicks.
This grip sees the palm partially resting against the rear of the mouse, with fingertips grasping the buttons and sides—a trade-off in comfort for more agility.
Despite not being be as comfortable as a palm grip, the claw grip is more favorable when making large, controlled flicks, such as performing sudden 180-degree turns in FPS games.
With no palm contact, this grip uses only your fingertips to control the mouse—the lightest touch for the fastest flicks.
Because it’s not anchored by your palm, it also means more finesse with vertical movements, and lends itself well to shorter mice with flatter arches.
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